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Attention all savvy shoppers! Save BIG on your favorite essentials with NewsWatch 12’s Rogue Deals!
Every week, find new ads from your favorite local businesses and save a ton where you need it most.
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FYI Southern Oregon

Welcome to the Southern Oregon Business Directory! Here you can find a comprehensive list of businesses operating in Southern Oregon, from Ashland to Medford and beyond.

Whether you’re looking for a local restaurant, a plumber, a boutique, or anything in between, our directory has got you covered. With hundreds of businesses listed, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for.

Our directory is easy to use, with businesses organized by category and location. Simply browse our categories, such as Food & Drink, Home Services, or Retail, and find the businesses that match your needs.

Each business listing includes important information such as the business name, address, phone number, website, and a brief description of their services. Some businesses even include photos and reviews from satisfied customers.

Browse our business directory today
We're Hiring

The NewsWatch 12 Supporting Local Business campaign is helping to support local jobs and our economy. As part of this critical effort, NewsWatch 12 has launched a virtual job fair to connect local job seekers with job openings. Companies can email us at business@kdrv.com for info on how to participate. Click on the company logos below for their job listings.

The "We're Hiring!” page is helping local employers find people looking for work. Check back often for information on some of the best local job openings in Southern Oregon!

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